

Jesus while He was in the wilderness in Matthew 4v2 “and when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He was afterward an hungered”. Here Jesus fasted for forty day and forty nights, I’d likened it be a time of His earthly test before His commission. It can be likened with the time of Noah too when the LORD God caused rain to fall on the earth forty days and forty nights in Genesis 7v12 and only Noah and his household were saved from that flood and Moses also had his own experience as He led the children of Israel through the wilderness for forty day and forty nights in Exodus 34v28. Moreso, Moses was in the presence of God for forty days and forty nights before the LORD without food or drinks to receive the Ten Commandment. Wilderness is a place of test but remember that there is a saying that says ‘there is always light at the  end of the tunnel’ therefore in any wilderness situation you found yourself, know that it only comes that it will also go away if you would not throw in the towel.

YOU DESERVE TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE’, these words came to me when I was observing my quite time and the book of Matthew was what I was reading chapter 4 precisely and suddenly these words drops into my spirit by the Holy Spirit of God and it began to hum into my ears ‘YOU DESERVE TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE’. As these words kept humming into my ears I felt in my spirit,  life, joy unexplainable and I said to myself that I would put it down and mark it so that I would not forget this glorious moment of God’s presence in my life that day and as I began to write down these words, something remarkable happened as my hands was just inscribing things down and before I knew what was going on I have gone over several pages and I was like what’s  going on,  I am not the one writing these things of course I don’t even know what is being written down and at a point I had to force stop to go through the write ups and it was so amazing to me how the power of the Holy Spirit can work through our hands or what He can do through us when we come into His Presence and also realized that the words are not mine, not meant for only me alone  but to bless others if I’d  shared it. I believe that for those who have lost their identities in this world can find their identities again in Christ Jesus which will bring a total healing and refreshing to their spirit, soul amen and body if they will give the Lord space in their lives to spend some times in His Presence they will never be able to imagine how bless they’ll be blessed and also become a blessing to the Kingdom.

Let’s look back at the time of Moses and Noah again; in Noah’s experience, there were destruction of lives and properties Genesis 7v4 but Noah’s obedience to the warning of God to build an ark saves his household from the flood. 

Moses’ experienced was when he was coming down from Sinai with the instruction in his hands only for him to meet the lawlessness of the children of Israel and as such 3,000 souls died, there were angers and deaths.

And here comes Jesus, He fasted for forty days and forty nights and He was without food and drinks, He went through the wilderness like every other prophets of God. But He humbled Himself before God being God Himself (He's second of the GodHead), at this point I would say that He was no longer in-charge of Himself as God the Son, He totally surrendered His will to the will of His Father and God is now in-charge as the Omnipotent, This is a total obedience to God.
And for Jesus it was a time for Him of no food, a time of trials, temptation, hopelessness, discouragement and a time of total wilderness experience.
Wilderness literally means unsettled and uncultivated tracts of land left in its natural state; it's not a palatable place at all. That’s the exact quarter Jesus was and in every wilderness He finds Himself, He surrendered to the will of His Father. Remember in Matthew 26v39(b) He said “Nevertheless not as I will, but as You will” i.e. to say as God proposed in His heart let it stand. But you know that He could make His  own choice but rather choose the choice of His Father Amen.
I hope as we choose to walk in His footsteps our lives be a meaningful in Jesus name amen.
Therefore brothers and sisters lets choose right. Amen!

YOU DESERVE TO LIVE GOOD LIFE amen. For God have a good plan for all of us as His children Jeremiah 29v11”For I know the thought and plans I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for your welfare and peace and not for evil to give you hope in your final outcome” (Amp). This says the perfect will of God’s plans for our lives John 3v16 says “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. 
Therefore I want you to know that no matter what the devil and his cohorts are throwing at us in this world,  it is only because you and I deserves the best and we should always have this behind our minds that if God be for us who can be against us, and that we are more than a conqueror for greater is He that is in us than the devils in this world, and know that the promises of His sacred Book says “So shall my words be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where to I sent it  and that the promises for God for us are yes and amen and so be it to the glory of God. Say to yourself “I DESERVE TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE” Amen.
If you encounter any sorts of wilderness in your life don’t give up and don’t be weary just fall back on Jesus’ experience  because He was there and what happened later was that He overcame so we all will overcome. 
Jesus Christ is the first to earn the better life as such, He is seated at the right hand of His Father therefore, no cause for alarm, just trust and believe.
Now Jesus’ announcement by His Father in Matthew 3v17 says “And lo a voice from Heaven saying, this is my beloveth Son, in whom I am well pleased”. Let this words also sound in your ears that we are all the beloved of God. At this junction, I’d say that this is the time of Jesus ministry commissioned on earth. God almighty was well pleased with His Son as the saving grace of the world whom satan and his demons have made the den of thieves, murders, destroyers. God has made Grace (Jesus) His choice without repentance and He was well pleased with Grace as a sacrificial Lamb to be sacrifice for the sins of this world for His Son’s kingdom Rule on earth even before the foundation of the earth (I Peter 1v20) for we to be saved, wholesome and be fulfilled in every facet of our lives. For this cause Jesus went to the cross, shed His precious blood and died but He was gloried on the third day as the grave could not contain Him for He conquered the grave, took the key of the Kingdom from satan (the key of dominion), broke shook the ground and came out of the grave and Grace (Jesus) the Light of the world was magnified seen by His disciples for 40 days and ascended into the Heaven and He is seated at the right of His Father interceding for the saints to live a better life.

Brothers and sisters what can earn us to be well pleased with God?
1.      Our total obedience to God Phil 2v8
2.      Our true worship to Him Jn 4vs23-24
3.      Our right standing with God Rms 12v1
4.      Our daily relationship with God I Cor 1v9
5.      Our faith in Jesus; looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith Heb12v3
6.      Believing on the one who has made us Rms 5v17
To be continued
